Contact Printing

Contact printing is a method of printing where you lay a negative and a piece of photographic paper down right sides together under a contact printer and expose it to light to create a positive image, or 'contact print'. In the dark room, we used our negatives as a guide to size to the light … Continue reading Contact Printing

Light Drawing

Drawing with light is taking a long exposure photograph while moving a handheld light. We set the ISO between 100-400 over the different shots. Having a low ISO means that the camera will not be very sensitive to light - or in other words, wont let much light in allowing the strong light from the … Continue reading Light Drawing

Child Protection

Radicalisation The increased use of social media and video games, and the anonymity they can provide is making it easier than ever for people with extremist views to spread their opinions – most likely an opinion they would never speak aloud in public. According to the Daily Mail, ISIS have been using Grand Theft Auto V to promote terrorism, saying that what happens on … Continue reading Child Protection

Community Manager

Community managers act as a bridge between the company/agency and the clients. They aim to create a loyal following and a group of consumers. Using mainly social media, they communicate with potential customers and also monitor feedback and engagement - they find out what people are saying about the company and report back. To be … Continue reading Community Manager


Ambient light is the available light in a scene, or "natural" light. Photos taken in natural light use are lit just by the the existing light sources - for example, the low sunlight coming through the window. All three pictures below were taken by William Eggleston with ambient lighting. You use Artificial light when you want more … Continue reading Light


It is a film producer's job to turn an idea on paper into a profitable film. They are responsible for organising all aspects of production -  hiring a director, approving the cast and putting together a creative, talented crew. A producer has complete creative control over a movie; they get to approve all the cast … Continue reading Producer

Modelling and Animation

Animators can work within a few different types of animation; 2D, 3D, stop-motion, computer generated, and stop-frame. But their job is still the same – to give life to characters and creatures; portraying their movement and behaviour using animation software packages. 2D animators create characters, environments, frames and scene transitions – essentially focusing on bringing … Continue reading Modelling and Animation