Street Scene

After being introduced to the street scene brief, I used google maps to wonder around Asia looking for an interesting place to potentially model. I picked three street locations, one in Thailand, one in Japan, and one in South Korea. I mind-mapped all of these locations with details like what I thought gave the street an atmosphere, what would be interesting to model and what assets I might omit in the modelling process.

I  eventually decided to model the Gwangju location, so I opened 3ds Max and started mapping out my location with primitive shapes, using my street view screenshots as a reference.

I set the unit measurement to metres to make sure everything would be to scale, pulled up a big plane to act as the floor and made a human sized box (1.8m) so I’d be able check the size of my buildings in relation to a human being. I started by using boxes, cylinders and planes to create a rough template of my street – I used yellow lines to act as roads to help position the rest of the buildings. Then, using a range of tools I’ve used previously, I started to manipulate the basic shapes into more complex ones to further map out the beginnings of the street.

Wk 2 Progress – Adding more basic detail to shop fronts.

Wk 3 Progress – Major improvement of shop fronts, added lights, windows and basic smaller assets

21st 221st 321st 421st

Wk 4 Progress – Almost finished modelling, placed wires, upstairs fence, and added more detail to all of the smaller assets.

Wk 5 Progress – final model, main buildings and floors unwrapped


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