Coke Bottle

The first project I made using 3ds Max was a coke bottle.

I started by creating a plane and then I projected my reference image onto it. Then, after setting up 2 different viewports (front and perspective), I placed it directly in the centre of my work space. I then made a cylinder roughly the same width and height as I wanted my bottle to be (using my reference as a guide) and placed that in the centre of my work space too. The bottle in my reference image wasn’t completely in the middle of its background so after I found that my centred bottle and image didn’t match up, I did have to guess and drag it slightly to the right to make them line up.

Using the shortcut Alt + X, I made my cylinder transparent and began altering the shape. I used the existing edges to create the basic shape of the bottle, moving them, scaling them and placing them at that thinnest and widest parts of the bottle. This looked fairly good, but there wasn’t enough detail; so I, once again, used my reference to count amount of extra edges. I then added them in using the ring and connect tools under an edit poly in edge mode. To add in horizontal edges, you need to select a vertical edge and choose the “ring” tool, this should highlight the ring of edges; then press the small menu box next to the “connect” button and a menu will pop up on screen and give you options for how many extra edges you’d like to add, where you’d like to place them and how far apart they are. After doing this in the appropriate places, I began to scale and resize the bottle according to my reference, using the move and scale tools, and focusing primarily on my front viewport.

Once my bottle was scaled, I set certain sections of my bottle different IDs, the glass areas as a 1 and the area where the red label would be a 5. Then, in my material editor window, I used a solid glass preset in black with a slight transparency and connected it to the areas with ‘1’ IDs and chose a solid coke bottle red colour and set that to my ‘5’ IDs.

And this was the finished coke bottle:

coke bottles done


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