Mesh Theory and Basic Shortcuts

Mesh theory is the idea that every 3D object is made up of vertices, edges, and faces on an x/y/z axis.

Vertices are points that describe the corners of geometric shapes. When editing in a 3D program, they can be selected and manipulated easily to change the shape of a model.

The edges are the sides of a polygon and are found in all models. It is a connection between two vertices and can be edited to slightly change the model.

Faces are a complete side of an object with a closed set of edges. A triangular face has 3 sides, a quad has 4 and any shape with more than 4 sides.

The coordinates system used in every 3D software is the cartesian coordinate system, developed in 1637 by a French mathematician to merge algebra and Euclidean geometry. It creates the illusion of working in a 3-dimensional space by representing length, width, and height – the physical dimensions of space. For a 3-dimensional coordinate, the new length Z is added to the regular 2D X/Y axis, running at a right angle to this and representing depth.

Some shortcuts for 3ds Max (the 3D program I’m currently using) are:

Alt + W = maximise viewport

Ctrl + alt + middle mouse = zoom

Alt + middle mouse = pan

Ctrl + Z = undo scene

Shift + Z = undo viewport

F3 = wire frame mode

F4 = edged faces

Alt + A = align

A = snap

After quickly messing around on the program for the first time, I made this basic submarine out of primitive shapes using the shortcuts above:


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